Vitovlje, 28.1.2024
še en dokaz več z neta, da so od tu (ilegalno, a si morte mislit? in v "tangicah", berte, so sami priznali) leteli padalci, gl. ; 19.4.2024.
Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek
in gledal,
kako so drevesa bežala iz njega.
Pohitel je za njimi:
Drevesa, nikar!
Če pojdete ve,
pojdejo tudi vaše sence,
in če pojdejo,
kam naj ležem jaz popotnik,
truden od hoje
skozi atomski vek?
Drevesa pa so s svojimi sencami
bežala naprej.
— Nikar, nikar!
je klical za njimi popotnik.
— Če pojdete ve,
pojdejo tudi vrtovi,
saj se jim bo tožilo po vas,
in če pojdejo vrtovi,
pojdejo tudi ptice,
saj se jim bo tožilo po njih,
in če pojdejo drevesa, vrtovi in ptice,
pojde tudi ljubezen,
in če pojde ljubezen —
Vendar drevesa ga niso poslušala
in so bežala naprej,
zapuščajoč atomski vek.
There is no Kobala Open in year 2022
Kobala open 2022
Dear Pilots,
Unfortunately, we have to inform you that Kobala Open 2022 has been canceled. This year, the Slovenian national championship will take place at Kovk - Ajdovščina.
See you next year at Kobala!
Basic information about the Kobala Open competition
Area: Soča valley
Date: 3rd Week of August
Organization: KZ Maribor
Launch place:
Kobala: 1080m (N46°10.866624' E13°46.799982')
Landing place:
Tolmin: 181m (N46°11.14998' E13°43.249968')
Daily schedule:
9:00: Information on daily flying, published on News on web site and in HQ
12:00: Pilot's briefing on the launch site
18:00: Last landing
18:15: Report back deadline
General rules
All matters about flying are based on FAI/CIVL Sporting Code (General Section in Section 7) and Slovenian rule book for hang gliding national championships. Competition has FAI class 2 ranking (O1, Sport class), thus FAI sporting licence for an equivalent class is mandatory. The competitor is attending and competing on his own responsibility, which he/she confirms by signing a waiver provided by the organizer at registration.
Flying is on pilots own responsibility and driven by pilots own wish for flying.
Entry fee includes: Info folder, a souvenir with competition logo, lunch packet, closing ceremony, GPS data management, weather forecasts, take-off and landing fees.
Medals and other practical prizes.
Medals for top 3 overall (O1) class and money prizes for the top 3.
Medals for top 3 Sport class.
Medals for Slovenian national competition class (O1)
In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us on e-mail: